Tuesday 28 February 2012

Americans believe Iran will not be the production of nuclear weapons

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK - United States Policy (U.S.) against Iran is considered intentionally wasting time with the wishes of Israel. U.S. security adviser toVice President Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, will not tell you what to do in Israel. However,clearly, the U.S. believes Iran will not be the production of nuclear weapons.
Blinken spoke at a conference organized by the Israel Policy Forum (IPF) in New York.Blinken stressed that the U.S. believes Iran will not make the decision to produce nuclear weapons. "They will not get nuclear weapons, and there is still time fordiplomacy," he said, quoted by Haaretz on Tuesday (28/2).
He also said Israel viewed Iran as a nuclear 'existential threat', while the United Statesbelieves that the phrase was only for their own security of Israel. "Israel must make their own decisions. We do not have to do what it comes to our allies and partners because itis their own national security," Blinken said.
In a brief interview with Haaretz, Blinken said Israel and the U.S. assessment on Iran is"very close" to each other. But because we are in different places, even physically, there may be tactical differences between the two countries, though still the same strategicposition.

Indonesian : 

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK - United States Policy (U.S.) against Iran is considered intentionally wasting time with the wishes of Israel. U.S. security adviser toVice President Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, will not tell you what to do in Israel. However,clearly, the U.S. believes Iran will not be the production of nuclear weapons.
Blinken spoke at a conference organized by the Israel Policy Forum (IPF) in New York.Blinken stressed that the U.S. believes Iran will not make the decision to produce nuclear weapons. "They will not get nuclear weapons, and there is still time fordiplomacy," he said, quoted by Haaretz on Tuesday (28/2).
He also said Israel viewed Iran as a nuclear 'existential threat', while the United Statesbelieves that the phrase was only for their own security of Israel. "Israel must make their own decisions. We do not have to do what it comes to our allies and partners because itis their own national security," Blinken said.
In a brief interview with Haaretz, Blinken said Israel and the U.S. assessment on Iran is"very close" to each other. But because we are in different places, even physically, there may be tactical differences between the two countries, though still the same strategic position.


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