Saturday 2 April 2011

FOC 8.8c asia(deidara)

deidara hero yang bagus,,, skill:
1. C1 damagenya= 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 
2. C2.............................................................................(ini berbentuk spider)
3. flying mode= +health 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k.
4. C4 damagenya= 8k, 10k, 12k(skill ini menunggu selama 4s, skill ini bisa di hit, jd anda harus bisa bertahan sampai C4nya meledak)

1 item 10k, 5 item kristal putih(6000/kristal) atau 5 medali(9000/medali)

deidara sangat bagus untuk event team, jadi sebaiknya anda harus sampai ke lvl 10 untuk mendapatkan flying mode,, di skill flying mode ada skill baru yang damagenya 3k/spider yang dilepaskan, jadi itu cukup untuk membunuh semua musuh anda,,
note: skill ini hanya 1jalur jadi anda harus pandai memaki skill ini

ini foto untuk deidara

FOC 34_2 (grimmjow jeagerjaques)

1.Grimmjow jeagerjaques adalah arancar atau espada nomor 6, skillnya sangat mematikan,,, apalagi skill ceronya, saat baru maen,, saya sarankan untuk mengambil skill 2(cero), lvl 2 baru ambil skill 1
sebelum duel/event,, sebaiknya anda sudah punya void stone(3000) atau anda sudah mencapai lvl 11, hanya dengan skill 1 dan 2, musuh anda yang tidak ada item akan mati,,, tapi kalau dia mempunyai kristal putih,, dengan terpaksa anda harus mengeluarkan Gran Rey Cero (skill 3)  

2.anda hanya bisa melawan creep naga(atas kanan) atau menos DKK(atas kiri) pada saat lvl 30 dan damage anda sudah mencapai 1500, 

anda harus membuat creep itu sejajar 1jalur,, 

. tekan C(pantera skill), kemudan  Gran Rey Cero(skill3), and finish with V(pantera skill),, hahaha(sok bahasa inggris >,<)

3. item yang digunakan grimmjow adalah: 1 senjata 10k, dan 5 kristal putih,,, statnya sebaiknya 1000 strenght 1000 intelegence, dan selebihnya agility anda beli yang harganya 500 gold=5 agility,,, 

klau damage anda sudah mencapai 5k ato 6k,, anda sudah bisa melawan magina(dibawah kiri) untuk sekedar cicil nyari duit,, hahahaha,, 
note: jangan memakai skill ke-4(pantera) itu tidak berguna sekali,, itu hanya digunakan pada saat mencari gold di menos atau naga,

sekian untuk grimmjow jeagerjaques,, 

inilah foto grimmjow

 beginilah gambar skill 4nya grimmjow, ato perubahaanya yaitu= grind pantera

Friday 1 April 2011

Proem From Me :)

In DotA,, we must have strategy,, if we don't have strategy,, we will be an IDIOT like bz6714,,, wkkwkwkwkwkw joke dxso,,, iseng" ne,, ahahhaha INDONESIA lh males ingrris,, capek ahahha,,,

di dota kita harus mempunya strategy jika tidak,,, kta akn mudah utk diserang ato di bunuh,, n itu akn membuat kta mnjd beban dlam team kta,,, sehingga Kta cpat klah,,,
(ne hanya kta pengantar)

. 1. Always play as a team. In all games in groups, teamwork is the main key. Not only DotA but also other games, like Point Blank (PB) ,Audition Ayodance, etc. In DotA, you will not able to play alone. Not only you must cooperate with your team, you must also coordinate ambushes an strikes to soften the enemy team. If your team will doing an ambush attack to an enemy hero, trying to join with them to help your team. Because you can earn some money and also reducing your ambushed enemy's money,if that hero is dead.

2. Missing heroes. In fact, it is also include to 'play as a team', because it depends on the awareness and carefulness of your team and yourself. Always check the presence of the enemy who face with you and always check minimap if any hero is missing. If so, report this to the team. an enemy hero missing from your lane or from your ally lane could mean it can be a threat to one of your team or even to yourself.

3. Laning tactics. Change lane or request for help if you are unable to hold the lane. Do not wait till the second tower is down before you ask for help. Always peek into the opposing heroes' inventories and check what items they are going after. Especially the enemy hero on your lane, check his items, and build items to "counter" him. If you notice there is an enemy hero who is jumping on high tier items during early game, inform your team and make sure he doesn't get it until late game.

4. Know your enemies and your team. If in pick mode,let opponents and your ally choose their heroes first. Make sure your team have a tanker and killer or imba hero.

Four things above of course just my opinion. The final decision is up to you.  :)

my biodata

my name is ihsan,,, muhammad ihsan,, I'am from padang,,, MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER"dyakso andaru nughroho" from semarang,,, I'am a dota lover'z,,, My favorite game in dota is FOC( Fight Of the Character ) or Dota IM,,, my id in dota/nusareborn is aLeX97,,,,My favorite color is blue,, and my favorite character is kurosaki ichigo, byakuya kuchiki, ulquiorra schiffer, and hitsugaya toushiro..... hehehehe only that I can say,,, ehehhe :)

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